Membership Policy
The American Polish Lowland Sheepdog Association--APLSA , is an at will organization. Should applications be presented to the Association be found to hold fraudulent or misleading information, it will be at the discretion of the Board whether to approve or deny membership to such persons. Membership is a privilege, not a right, granted by the Board of Directors via the procedures as spelled out in this document to protect the goals, interests, and safety of this organization. The Board of Directors reserves the right to deny, revoke, or not renew membership. Membership is open to all who support the goals and purposes of the APLSA, Inc. and are willing to uphold its Constitution and Bylaws, Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct.*
*a copy of the complete policy and procedure is located in the APLSA Policies and Procedure Manual.
Application Procedure
1. Click on the application link and print out the three pages... Membership Application
2. Click on the liMembership Applicationnks Code of Conduct and .Code of Ethics on the APLSA Membership Types page. Read both and print them out or savethem on you computer if you choose. On the aphplication form you will be asked if you have read, understood, and are willing to abide by both
3. Look through the APLSA Membership Types and choose what is best for you. Instructions for completion will be found on the application form and must be followed in order for your application to be processed. Paperwork which is not filled out in its entirety will not be processed.
4. SPONSORS: If you do not know or have access to two sponsors just drop the Board a note with your application and they will provide sponsorship. Do not let this stop you. APLSA members are very spread out so you would not be unique.
5. To complete your application do the following
a. Print and totally fill out the application form...must be complete to be considered
b. Each applicant must initial that he/she has read, understands, and will abide by both Codes
c. Enclose a check or money order for the correct amount made out to APLSA or American Polish Lowland Sheepdog Association
d. Completed check and money order should be mailed to
c/o Sara LaPointe
441 Coconut Drive
Indialantic, FL 32903